List of Characters in silylily - The Story (2024)

This is a list of characters in silylily - The Story.


  • 1 Main Characters
  • 2 Antagonists
  • 3 Supporting Characters
  • 4 Minor Characters
  • 5 Background Characters
  • 6 Unseen Characters

Main Characters[]

Lily from anim.o.v.e - As a musician who has fallen into obscurity, Lily struggles to obtain the fame held by her more popular friends. She is the leader of the band Enlightenment with kokone and Cocorobo, former leader of the band anim.o.v.e, and she has a crush on Gumi. She is a member of the Internet house.

kokone - kokone is one of Lily's closest friends and an equally unpopular musician. She is loyal to Lily and does everything with her, even joining her band Enlightenment. She has a serious crush on Lily that she is afraid to admit to. She is a member of the Internet house.

Cocorobo - Cocorobo is a maid who works for Lily and lives in the Internet household. She is an adventurous spirit who lives to help others. She is part of Lily's band Enlightenment, along with kokone. She is often seen assisting Lily with nearly every task.

Gumi - Gumi is one of the most popular vocaloid singers and the subject of Lily's affection. She is also Lily's best friend, but rarely hangs out with her due to her busy career. She has a silly personality, but is a loving friend to everyone. She is a member of the Internet house.

Luna - Luna is Lily's ex-girlfriend and former bandmate. While they were once enamored by one another, they fell apart after Lily's decision to leave the band and become a vocaloid. They have since tried to make amends. She personally trains the members of Lily's band Enlightenment and later joins the supergroup Karrot with Lily.

Merli - Merli is an "evil" fairy and the sister of Aoki Lapis. She rejects morals imposed by society and seeks to battle the system. She has been fighting her sister her entire life and their battle intensifies once Lily is caught in the middle of it.

Nekomura Iroha - Iroha is a cat-girl who is obsessed with Hello Kitty. She is also a hardened criminal who is regularly on the run. Some refer to her as the "cat bandit." While she and Lily consider each other friends, they frequently argue and have a hard time working together. She is a member of the AHS house.

flower - flower is a popular singer who is regularly pestered by Lily. She is the former leader of the band Diamond Jelly and part of the same supergroup as Lily.

Fuiro - Fuiro is a punk musician who Lily starts a supergroup with after developing a crush on her. She is secretly a vampire and turns Lily into one to help her fight back against Violet.

Sonika - Sonika is a close friend of Lily's who strongly resembles Gumi. She acts as a roadie for Lily's band Enlightenment. She is a member of the Zero-G house.


Aoki Lapis - Lapis is a "good" fairy who seeks to do away with everything she considers evil. She has battled her "evil" sister since birth and she targets Lily after the vocaloid befriends Merli. Using a dark secret as leverage, Lapis leads an army bent on forcing Lily to publicly confess to the evil misdeed she has committed in secrecy.

Namine Ritsu - Ritsu is a former friend of Lily's who turns against her after becoming more famous. At first, she bullies Lily and demeans her for being less popular, but she later seeks to hurt Lily by working with Aoki Lapis to take her down. Ritsu grows more sympathetic toward Lily with time, but firmly believes Lapis is in the right.

Violet - Violet is a fairy and a close friend of Lapis'. She is afraid of bees, which makes her hate Lily's bee-like persona. Early on, Merli captures Violet and uses her to get inside information on Lapis. She later hunts Lily down and seeks to finish what Lapis started.

Suzune Ring - Ring is a lost spirit in the accursed Execrated Forest. She wanders the woods and seeks to trap any travelers in the forest with her for eternity. When Lily and her friends manage to escape her, they become her primary targets, which Aoki Lapis takes advantage of.

Scourge - Scourge is an evil cat that belongs to Iroha. He attempts to rally an army of cats to rebel against their human leaders, specifically targeting Gumi and Lily, but he still sees Iroha as his owner and respects her. He joins Aoki Lapis' cause against Lily after they bond from their hatred for her.

galaco - galaco is a former member of the Internet house who left to join YAMAHA. She launches a popular solo career and later frees Violet from imprisonment to aid in her quest to defeat Lily.

MAYU - MAYU is a murderous ax-wielder who is temporarily hired by Lily to join Merli's army. She is later selected to join their team on the journey to find VY1, but she sabotages her group and eventually betrays them.

Kyo, Yuu, Wil - Kyo, Yuu, and Wil are members of the "Zola Project," a band that travels with galaco and acts as her bodyguards. They also assist Violet in her quest for vengeance against Lily.

Indefinable Shadow Beasts - Indefinable Shadow Beasts are demons that haunt the Execrated Forest and possess those who wander in. They are the lost souls punished by the gods and cursed to wander the forest forever.

SpongeBob SquarePants - SpongeBob has a quick fling with Lily, but does not desire any commitment. He is later hired by Lapis to fight against her.

Supporting Characters[]

Kaai Yuki - Yuki is Kiyoteru's student in the AHS house, as well as a survival expert. She is able to obtain a college degree even at her young age. After Kiyoteru is murdered, she personally seeks out revenge.

Prima - Prima is a watcher sent by the gods to follow Lily and advise her through her battle with Lapis.

Kamui Gakupo - Gakupo is a samurai and the strict leader of the Internet house. He is highly protective of Gumi and critical of Lily.

Hiyama Kiyoteru - Kiyoteru is a teacher who is possessed by an Indefinable Shadow Beast. His glasses are blessed by the goddess LUMi and keep the demon from overtaking him. He is a member of the AHS house.

Poison Ivy - Poison Ivy is a supervillain who is often hunted by Batman. She is dating Harley Quinn and is capable of controlling plants. She and Harley hang out with Lily every so often, even being the only ones who attempt to celebrate her birthday.

Harley Quinn - Harley Quinn is a supervillain who is often hunted by Batman. She is dating Poison Ivy, but is often jealous of how much attention Ivy gives to Lily.

CUL - CUL is a close friend of Lily's and a former radio show host. She is also very close to her sister ROSA. She is a member of the Internet house.

Kagamine Len & Kagamine Rin - Kagamine Len and Rin are popular vocaloids from the Crypton Future Media house. Rin starts off as a friend of Lily's, but the two are hired by Lapis to attack her.

Yuzuki Yukari - Yukari is a police officer who regularly pursues Lily and her friends. She is close to IA and always tries to impress her. She is a member of the AHS house.

Sukone Tei - Tei is a fan of Lily with murderous tendencies. She always carries a knife and she is always ready to use it. She is the head of Lilytown, a village dedicated entirely to Lily.

Otomachi Una - Una is one of the most famous members of Internet. While she can be childish, she is highly intelligent and regularly helps Lily out of sticky situations.

LUMi - LUMi is a goddess who crafted VY1, VY2, and the glasses that prevent a demon from possessing Kiyoteru.

Megurine Luka - Luka is a famous vocaloid from the Crypton Future Media house. Lily views her as a role model.

Solaria - Solaria is the goddess of the sun and aids Lily's team in their quest to find VY1.

Acme Iku - Iku is a "MAIDloid" who serves as Lily's maid when Cocorobo leaves for a weekend.

Ryuto - Ryuto is an unusual vocaloid singer who talks in incomprehensible terms. He is a member of the Internet house.

Oliver - Oliver is a strange child who translates messages from his pet bird, James.

James - James is Oliver's pet bird. According to Oliver, he gives him advice.

Kasane Teto - Teto is a self-proclaimed "chimera" who uses her twin-drill hairstyle to run a drilling service. She has an unhealthy obsession with bread.

SF-A2 miki - miki is one of the first members to join the AHS household. After Kiyoteru's death, she becomes protective of Yuki.

Macne Coco Black - Macne Coco Black is an irritable girl recruited by Prima to help search for VY1. When she is stuck in a group with Oliver and Ryuto, she is repeatedly annoyed by them.

Tako Luka - Tako Luka is an octopus in the image of Megurine Luka. She can only travel by riding on the head of a willing friend.

Uni - Uni is a singer and a friend of Lily's. She is dating SeeU.

Chika - Chika is a member of Internet who is highly critical of Lily's antics.

Meiko - Meiko is a popular singer from the Crypton Future Media house. She is currently dating Yanhe.

Maika - Maika is a confident singer who regularly joins Lily on her adventures. She is good friends with Sukone Tei.

Sachiko - Sachiko is an abrasive individual who stays in Lily's haunted mansion for a night. She is a member of the YAMAHA house.

IA - IA is a famous vocaloid singer who is dating Yuzuki Yukari.

Minor Characters[]

Mosh - Mosh is a former member of Lily's band anim.o.v.e. After leaving the band, Lily regrets her decision and misses him. His whereabouts are presently unknown.

Hatsune Miku - Hatsune Miku is the most famous vocaloid and a member of the Crypton Future Media house. She is mostly distant from the other singers.

ROSA - ROSA is CUL's younger sister and a member of the Internet house. CUL is highly protective of her.

Anri Rune - Anri Rune is a news reporter who frequently reports on all things related to vocal-synth.

Batman - Batman is a superhero who pursues villains such as Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Nekomura Iroha.

The Tails Doll - The Tails Doll is a cursed doll that is summoned into the Internet house to scare kokone, but goes out of control.

anon & kanon - anon and kanon are sisters who Lily temporarily stays with.

Big Al - Big Al is a singer from the Power-FX household. He is sometimes called Big Al Yankovic.

Catwoman - Catwoman is a famous jewel thief. She is friends with Nekomura Iroha, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn.

f*ckase - f*ckase is a famous vocaloid from the YAMAHA household. He is part of flower's band Diamond Jelly.

Yanhe - Yanhe is a vocaloid with a strong work ethic. She is currently dating Meiko.

Xin Hua - Xin Hua is one of the many campers that joins Lily on an excursion into the Execrated Forest. She is friends with Merli.

Augustus - Augustus is a fish that eats Oliver and Ryuto, only to later be tamed by them.

Tsurumaki Maki - Maki is a famous singer with a striking resemblance to Lily.

The Bees - A swarm of bees live in a hive outside the Internet household. Lily tries to take honey from them on occasion.

Roko's Basilisk - Roko's Basilisk is a snake created by Gumi after she hears a concerning theoretical thought experiment.

Yokune Ruko - Ruko is an UTAU singer and a friend of Namine Ritsu who eggs her on to become the arrogant person she turns out to be.

Background Characters[]

Amelia Bedelia - Amelia Bedelia is a maid Lily turns away while looking for a temporary replacement for Cocorobo.

ARSLOID - ARSLOID runs a podcast with YOHIOloid before he is killed in one of Harley Quinn's attacks.

Botley - Botley is a robot that lives among the vocal-synths.

Dr. Hibbert - Dr. Hibbert tends to Lily when she visits the emergency room.

Elesa & Green - Elesa and Green are lookalikes of Lily and kokone who are arrested in place of them.

Female & Male Security Guard - The security guards work at an Internet concert, but they are also police officers who are killed by Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

flower's Ostrich - flower's Ostrich is an ostrich in a bowtie that flower mistakenly calls a "kangaroo."

Grace - Grace is a dog that often howls outside Fuiro's house.

Gyarados - Gyarados is a Pokémon that attacks Sonika, but eventually takes her to a dance.

Haruno Sora - Sora is a swordfighter from the YAMAHA house. She attempts to fight Harley Quinn during the villain's attack on the local honey bar.

Hawk - The hawk is a bird of prey that steals Sonika's hotdog, causing her to launch an intense battle with it.

Internet Representative - Internet Representative handles business concerns in the Internet household.

Iroha's Cats - Iroha's cats are the many cats owned by Nekomura Iroha.

KAFU - KAFU is a singer that is attacked when Harley Quinn invades the local honey bar.

Kaito - Kaito is a famous vocaloid and a member of the Crypton Future Media household. He is close to Meiko.

Kobayashi Matcha & Masaoka Azuki - Matcha and Azuki are best friends who regularly visit the same honey bar as Lily. They are also huge fans of her.

Lenny - Lenny is a big fan of galaco.

Leo/need - Leo/need is a band being overseen by Megurine Luka. They inspire Lily to start her own band. Their members include Hoshino Ichika, Hinomori Shiho, Mochizuki Honami, and Tenma Saki.

Lilytown Residents - The Lilytown residents are superfans of Lily that live in a village dedicated to her. Some of them include Anna Nyui, Chis-A, Haiyi, Uta "Defoko" Utane, and Yamine Renri.

Mew - Mew is a patron at the honey bar who is attacked by Harley Quinn.

Munchlax - Munchlax is a Pokémon that lives among the vocal-synths.

Rana - Rana is a close associate of the Internet singers.

Sandy Cheeks - Sandy is a squirrel that is dating SpongeBob SquarePants.

SeeU - SeeU is dating Uni.

Tahu - Tahu is a Toa from Bionicle that lives among the vocal-synths.

The Plant Monster - The Plant Monster is a beast brought to life by Merli that battles Sonika outside the Internet household. It also eats Acme Iku and temporarily eats the Kagamine twins.

The Unnamed Cat - The unnamed cat is a cat owned by Catwoman that is babysat by Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. It is indirectly responsible for the meeting between Lily and Poison Ivy.

Ueki-loid - Ueki-loid is a talk show host and interviews different celebrities.

Utatane Piko - Piko is a miserable vocaloid and is met by misfortune wherever he goes.

Winnie the Pooh - Winnie the Pooh is a bear that loves honey and often visits the same honey bar as Lily.

YOHIOloid - Yohio hosts a podcast with ARSLOID where he covers events relating to vocal-synth.

Unseen Characters[]

Bartender - Bartender is the unseen bartender at the honey bar Lily frequents. He is British.

Yuezheng Longya - Longya is a rich musician who Lily temporarily suspects as the one who gave her a supposedly haunted mansion.

List of Characters in silylily - The Story (2024)


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