Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

Goddess names are more fashionable than ever before, with mythology names taking over the charts. Striking a delicate balance between power and feminity with a splash of whimsy and mysticism, it is no wonder that more and more parents are looking to ancient deities for name inspiration.

Many Goddesses have lovely associations and imagery to bestow upon a daughter as well. Common themes include love and beauty, the earth and harvest, the moon, the forest and hunting, and the sea.

While a handful of Goddess names have been long ingrained in Western naming culture — Victoria, Chloe, Diana, and Irene are a few examples — it is only in the last decade or so that parents are beginning to expand their horizons.

Top Goddess Names

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (1)

Goddess names are quickly becoming one of the hottest trends in the Western world, with Luna and Athena, Freya and Maeve rising to the top of the charts. And formerly out-of-the-question deities like Persephone and Artemis are gaining traction as parents become more adventurous.

Here, all of the gorgeous Goddess names in the US Top 1000.

  • 1LunaChevron - Right
  • 2ChloeChevron - Right
  • 3AuroraChevron - Right
  • 4VictoriaChevron - Right
  • 5CoraChevron - Right
  • 6AthenaChevron - Right
  • 7IrisChevron - Right
  • 8MaeveChevron - Right
  • 9FreyaChevron - Right
  • 10PhoebeChevron - Right
  • 11DianaChevron - Right
  • 12SelenaChevron - Right
  • 13SabrinaChevron - Right
  • 14MaiaChevron - Right
  • 15RheaChevron - Right
  • 16MaraChevron - Right
  • 17ThaliaChevron - Right
  • 18IreneChevron - Right
  • 19PersephoneChevron - Right
  • 20SeleneChevron - Right
  • 21FloraChevron - Right
  • 22DaliaChevron - Right
  • 23CynthiaChevron - Right
  • 24ArtemisChevron - Right

Greek and Roman Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (2)

Astraea — Greek Goddess of justice — "a-STRAY-a"

Aura —Roman and Greek Goddess of the breeze — "AW-ra"

Demeter — Greek Goddess the harvest — "deh-MEE-ter"

Gaia — Greek Goddess of the Earth — "GAI-a"

Hera — Greek Goddess of marriageand women — "HEH-ra"

Juno — Roman Goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth — "JU-no"

Minerva — Roman Goddess of wisdom — "min-NER-va"

Nyx — Greek Goddess of the night — "NIX"

More Greek and Roman Goddesses

  • AlectronaChevron - Right
  • AletheaChevron - Right
  • AmaltheaChevron - Right
  • AnnonaChevron - Right
  • AphaeaChevron - Right
  • AphroditeChevron - Right
  • ArtemisChevron - Right
  • BellonaChevron - Right
  • BrizoChevron - Right
  • CardeaChevron - Right
  • CeresChevron - Right
  • CirceChevron - Right
  • ClementiaChevron - Right
  • ConcordiaChevron - Right
  • CybeleChevron - Right
  • DecimaChevron - Right
  • DeveraChevron - Right
  • EnyoChevron - Right
  • EosChevron - Right
  • ErisChevron - Right
  • EudoraChevron - Right
  • FaunaChevron - Right
  • FortunaChevron - Right
  • HarmoniaChevron - Right
  • HebeChevron - Right
  • HecateChevron - Right
  • HestiaChevron - Right
  • InvidiaChevron - Right
  • IreneChevron - Right
  • JustitiaChevron - Right
  • JuturnaChevron - Right
  • LatonaChevron - Right
  • LavernaChevron - Right
  • LetoChevron - Right
  • LevanaChevron - Right
  • LucinaChevron - Right
  • LyssaChevron - Right
  • MellonaChevron - Right
  • MenaChevron - Right
  • NaeniaChevron - Right
  • NepheleChevron - Right
  • NikeChevron - Right
  • NixiChevron - Right
  • NonaChevron - Right
  • NoxChevron - Right
  • PaxChevron - Right
  • PomonaChevron - Right
  • RuminaChevron - Right
  • TacitaChevron - Right
  • TerraChevron - Right
  • ThemisChevron - Right
  • VeneliaChevron - Right
  • VenusChevron - Right
  • VestaChevron - Right

Celtic Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (3)

Áine — Irish Goddess of summer, wealth, and sovereignty — "AWN-ya"

Airmed — Irish Goddess of healing — "AHR-vij"

Brigid — Irish Goddess of spring, fertility, and life — "BREEJ"

Ceridwen — Welsh Goddess of poetry and inspiration — "KEH-rid-wen"

Enid — Welsh Goddess of rebirth and fertility — "EE-nid"

Morrigan — Irish Goddess of war — "MOR-i-gan"

Niamh — Irish Goddess of the sea and fate — "NEEV"

Rhiannon — Welsh Goddess of horses and the moon — "ree-ANN-an"

More Celtic Goddesses

  • AcionnaChevron - Right
  • AeronChevron - Right
  • AncastaChevron - Right
  • AndartaChevron - Right
  • ArtioChevron - Right
  • AxonaChevron - Right
  • BelisamaChevron - Right
  • BrixtaChevron - Right
  • ClotaChevron - Right
  • DamonaChevron - Right
  • DanuChevron - Right
  • DivonaChevron - Right
  • EachnaChevron - Right
  • EponaChevron - Right
  • GraniaChevron - Right
  • IcaunaChevron - Right
  • ImonaChevron - Right
  • IncionaChevron - Right
  • LerinaChevron - Right
  • LitavisChevron - Right
  • MachaChevron - Right
  • MaximiaChevron - Right
  • NehalenniaChevron - Right
  • RitonaChevron - Right
  • SenunaChevron - Right
  • SequanaChevron - Right
  • SironaChevron - Right
  • VerbeiaChevron - Right

Baltic and Slavic Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (4)

Devana — Slavic Goddess of the moon and wilderness — "deh-VAH-na"

Lada — Slavic Goddess of youth, beauty, and fertility — "LAH-da"

Māra — Latvian Goddess of childbirth — "MAH-ra"

Milda —Lithuanian Goddess of love — "MIL-da"

Niya/Nyja — Slavic Goddess of the underworld — "NYE-a"

Vesna — Slavic Goddess of springtime — "VES-na"

Zorya — Slavic Goddess of the morning and evening stars — "ZOR-ya"

Ziva/Zhiva — Slavic Goddess of love, life, and fertility — "ZEE-va"

More Baltic and Slavic Goddesses

  • AušrinėChevron - Right
  • CizaChevron - Right
  • DanicaChevron - Right
  • GabijaChevron - Right
  • LaimaChevron - Right
  • MāraChevron - Right
  • MarzannaChevron - Right
  • MokoshChevron - Right
  • SaulėChevron - Right
  • UtrenicaChevron - Right
  • VakarinėChevron - Right
  • ZaranitsaChevron - Right
  • ŽemynaChevron - Right
  • ZvezdaChevron - Right

Scandinavian Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (5)

Akka — Finnish Goddess — "A-ka"

Eir — Norse Goddess of medicine — "AIR"

Hela — Norse Goddess of the underworld — "HEH-la"

Idun/Idony — Norse Goddess of spring — "EE-dun/EE-dun-ee"

Mielikki — Finnish Goddess of the forest and hunting — "my-LEE-kee"

Nanna — Norse Goddess — "NAH-na"

Thora — Norse Goddess of thunder — "THOR-a"

Vellamo — Finnish Goddess of water — "VEH-lah-mo"

More Scandinavian Goddesses

  • KuutarChevron - Right
  • PäivätärChevron - Right
  • SifChevron - Right
  • SkadiChevron - Right
  • TellervoChevron - Right
  • TuulikkiChevron - Right
  • VedenemoChevron - Right
  • VigdisChevron - Right

Middle Eastern Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (6)

Ahurani — Persian Goddess of water — ah-hoo-RAH-nee"

Allani — Mesopotamian Goddess of the underworld — "ah-LAH-nee"

Anahita — Persian Goddess of love and war — "ah-nah-HEE-ta"

Daena — Persian Goddess of religion — "duh-eh-na"

Izha — Persian Goddess of sacrifice — "EE-zha"

Kailyn — Turkish Goddess of kings and queens — "KY-lin"

Tiamat — Mesopotamian Goddess of the salt sea — "TEE-uh-mat"

Umay — Turkish Goddess of fertility — "oo-MY"

More Middle Eastern Goddesses

  • AisytChevron - Right
  • BaianaiChevron - Right
  • BelindaChevron - Right
  • EceChevron - Right
  • IshtarChevron - Right
  • KubaiChevron - Right

Hindu Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (7)

Aadhya — Goddess of strength and motherhood — "AH-dya"

Chandra — Goddess of the moon — "CHAHN-dra"

Indrani — Goddess of jealousy — "in-DRAH-nee"

Jaya — Goddess of victory — "JY-a/JAY-a""

Medha — Goddess of knowledge — "MAY-da"

Sanvika — Goddess of beauty, wealth, and prosperity — "SAHN-vee-ka"

Uma — Goddess of light and wisdom — "OO-ma"

Varahi — Goddess of the night — "vah-RAH-hee"

More Hindu Goddesses

  • AditiChevron - Right
  • AnnapurnaChevron - Right
  • BhavaniChevron - Right
  • DevaChevron - Right
  • DeviChevron - Right
  • KaliChevron - Right
  • KanyaChevron - Right
  • LakshmiChevron - Right
  • ManasaChevron - Right
  • MariammanChevron - Right
  • PadmaChevron - Right
  • ParvatiChevron - Right
  • PavanaChevron - Right
  • RadhaChevron - Right
  • RahiChevron - Right
  • SaraswatiChevron - Right
  • SatiChevron - Right
  • SharadaChevron - Right
  • SitaChevron - Right
  • SvahaChevron - Right
  • TulasiChevron - Right
  • VaniChevron - Right

African Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (8)

Ani — Igbo Goddess of the earth, harvest, and underworld — "AH-nee"

Isis — Egyptian Goddess of love, healing, and the moon — "EYE-sis"

Kianda — Angolan Goddess of the sea and fishermen — "kee-AN-da"

Moneiba — Guanche Goddess of women — "mo-NAY-ba"

Neith — Egyptian Goddess of weaving — "NEETH"

Ọsun — Yoruba Goddess of beauty and love — "oh-SHOON"

Tanith — Berber Goddess of fertility and the moon — "TEE-neet"

Tinja — Berber Goddess — "teen-zha"

More African Goddesses

  • AbenaChevron - Right
  • AjéChevron - Right
  • AlaChevron - Right
  • AnputChevron - Right
  • AstarteChevron - Right
  • AyaoChevron - Right
  • HesatChevron - Right
  • ObaChevron - Right
  • OyaChevron - Right
  • PakhetChevron - Right
  • SatetChevron - Right
  • SekhmetChevron - Right
  • SelketChevron - Right
  • TefnutChevron - Right
  • TinjisChevron - Right
  • YewaChevron - Right

Indigenous American and Pacific Island Goddesses

Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (9)

Akna — Inuit Goddess of fertility and childbirth — "AHK-na"

Haumea — Hawaiian Goddess of the earth — "how-MAY-a"

Ixchel — Mayan Goddess of the moon, love, and medicine — "EE-shel"

Laka — Hawaiian Goddess of Hula and the forest — "LAH-ka"

Marama — Maori Goddess of the moon — "MAH-ra-ma"

Onatha — Iroquois Goddess of life — "oh-nah-TAH"

Sedna — Inuit Goddess of the sea — "SED-na"

Yara — Brazilian Goddess of water — "YA-ra"

More Indigenous American + Pacific Island Goddesses

  • AkychaChevron - Right
  • AwilixChevron - Right
  • ChaskaChevron - Right
  • CiChevron - Right
  • HinaChevron - Right
  • IemanjaChevron - Right
  • MayahuelChevron - Right
  • MetztliChevron - Right
  • PapaChevron - Right
  • PeleChevron - Right
  • PingaChevron - Right
  • TiaChevron - Right
Goddess Names: The Ultimate Guide (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.